Triathlon is a sport in rapid development, and with Triton Lillestrøm swimming and triathlon club's expertise in swimming, we offer the best conditions for triathletes - whether you are a "happy exerciser" who wants to complete your first triathlon, whether you are an "elite-triathlete" who wants to compete at top-level, or wheter you are an "ultra-athlete" who wants to participate in very long distances - Triton Lillestrøm triathlon is
In March 2014, it was decided at the annual meeting to register Triton Lillestrøm swimming and triathlon club in the Norwegian Triathlon Association. In April 2014 the registration was completed, and today we can offer triathletes to compete for Triton Lillestrøm swimming and triathlon club in triathlon competitions. In addition to the weekly swimming sessions, joint spinning and running sessions, a joint triathlon camp is planned for Cyprus in 2020.
Since Triton Lillestrøm swimming and triathlon club became a member of the triathlon association, the number of members has increased from 6-7 athletes in 2014 to 40 athletes in 2019. The increase in members means that the triathletes make a social group where everyone works towards the same goal: to get better at swimming. With more triathletes, participation in joint training outside the pool also increases, and this motivates to participate even more often.
Triton Lillestrøm swimming and triathlon club Triathlon is looked upon as a reliable club, and we presented our plan to other clubs at the annual conference planned by NSF in September 2014. The club also has had representatives in various forums where the possibilities for triathlon training have been discussed and developed. On the basis of this, Triton Lillestrøm swimming and triathlon club can be seen as one of the leading triathlon clubs in the country - we offer a training solution where all three sports are included.
Skjetten / Triton Lillestrøm had its first triathlon run in October 2014 with great success. 35 happy participants accepted the challenge with swimming in Skjetten Swimming Hall, cycling on country roads in the immediate area, and running around Skjetten city. The winner of the first Triathlon at Skjetten was Henrik Oftedal. Other events planned by the club are training gatherings, joint cycling / swimming sessions in open water, joint travel to triathlon competition, etc.