In addition to swimming in the swimming pool, we will have joint open water swimming as it gets warmer outside and the water reaches a temperature that is suitable for swimming.
In the spring / summer there will be joint cycling sessions planned from week to week, depending on the wishes of the participants. In the autumn / winter of 2019/2020, there was joint spinning (at Trento, Kjeller) on Monday evening at 2030-2130. We are working on getting a spinning session again.
Joint running sessions are planned on Tuesday / Thursday evening before swimming training. This session has different focus from week to week, but can include e.g. ground sprint, interval training, running technique, and running combined with strength exercises.
Other training:
During the weekends there are good opportunities for joint long distance training, either as a cycling sessions or "block training" (swimming / cycling, cycling / running). This is planned in consultation with the participants, so that it fits with wishes and times.
Other activities:
Triton Lillestrøm also plans many other activities during the year: Triathlon carousel in spring 2020, Triathlon camp in April, joint triathlon competition (2019 & 2020: Østfold Triathlon) and in autumn a local Swim-Run competition. In addition, Christmas dinners, training weekends and many other activities are arranged from year to year.