Look at swimming courses -> Level selector
Master all the swimming styles and turns
Once a child has mastered all the skills at one level, they will be offered to move on to the next course.
However, it is common that course participants have to undertake the same course several times, if necessary
This depends on the childs / course participants prior knowledge, how safe they are in the water etc.
The Norwegian swimming association defines swimming ability as follows: Roll out into the water, swim 100 meters on your stomach, float in the water for three minutes, swim 100 meters on your back.
Parents should only be in the water during baby swimming courses and courses for toddlers (Duppe and Elias)
Babies: from 12 weeks to 2 years.
Toddlers: 2-6 year old.
Children: 6-9 yeard old
Youth: 9-16
Adult: 17 and upwards
We recommend wearing goggles from "Pingvin".
Yes. There are several courses at the same time in the pool.